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Multi-professional cooperation in school contexts and health-promoting student care for children and youth

Multi-professional cooperation in school contexts and health-promoting student care for children and youth



Funded by

  • Aktiastiftelsen i Vasa
  • Contact us

    Jessica Hemberg (Principal Investigator)

    Senior University Lecturer 

    Health Sciences

    Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies

    Pia Nyman-Kurkiala (Principal Investigator)

    Senior Researcher 

    Social Sciences

    Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies

    Yulia Korzhina

    Research Assistant 

    Health Sciences

    Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies

    Amanda Sundqvist

    Doctoral Researcher 

    Doctoral Network at FPV 2021-2025

    Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies
    To the project page in the research portal of Åbo Akademi University