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The PBI Prize 2021 awarded to Henry Schwartz, Magnus Gustafsson and Jonas Spohr

The PBI Prize, funded by the Foundation for Project Research, has been awarded to a team researching in sustainable seaborne logistics. The prize was awarded for an article published in the scientific journal Journal of Cleaner Production. The title for the article is ”Emission Abatement in Shipping – Is it Possible to Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions Profitably?” and the lead author is doctoral student Henry Schwartz.

The point of departure in the awarded article is that the shipping sector generates significant amounts of carbon dioxide emissions. Since carbon dioxide is harmful for both the environment and the society there is willingness and pressure to decrease the volume of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions in shipping.

In this article, the research team investigates operational and technological measures by which shipping companies can not only reduce carbon dioxide emissions but also obtain an economical payoff for doing so. This is done by modeling emission reduction potentials and cost structures for a sample of cargo ships operating in the sector of short sea shipping.

The findings argue that a significant amount of carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced from the shipping sector profitably. This is partly because of improved operational performance and partly because of enhanced energy efficiency.

“Our analysis point out that emission reductions can be achieved with a profitable way in shipping. Over 50% of the CO2 emissions could be reduced with profitable investments in our sample of ships. With smart investments, both the shipping sector and the environment encounter good and positive things,” says Henry Schwartz.

The PBI Prize funded by the Foundation for Project Research is awarded for the first time 2021. The prize will be an annual award for internationally high-level Finnish research in company management and organization with special focus on international project activities. The prize is awarded by the Foundation for Project Research in collaboration with Åbo Akademi University. The prize sum is 5 000 EUR. The awardee is determined by the Foundation for Project Research board based on an international external evaluation.


Further information on the award-winning publication:
Henry Schwartz
Doctoral student at Åbo Akademi University
E-mail: +358 40 717 0310

Further information on the PBI Prize:
Kim Wikström
Professor in Industrial Management at Åbo Akademi University
Tel: +358 40 553 3289
E-mail: kim.wikstrom@abo.fi