Mikael Lindfelt is the new rector of Åbo Akademi University
The Åbo Akademi University Board has today elected Professor ThD Mikael Lindfelt, as the new Rector of Åbo Akademi University. Lindfelt is elected for a period until 31.7.2026 and takes office immediately, 2 February 2022.
In the election of the new rector, the Board placed special emphasis on the ability to communicate and collaborate, a visionary and inclusive way of thinking, professor competence and documented good leadership.

”I am pleased that we in Mikael Lindfelt have found a person who unanimously convinced the board with his skills to act as rector of a thinking organization with great ambitions. Lindfelt has good merits and a strong vision for the university. With his leadership ability and well-developed network both within the university community as well as our society at large we see him as the rector that can continue to develop Åbo Akademi University,” says Thomas Wilhelmsson, Chair of the Åbo Akademi University Board.
ThD Mikael Lindfelt is Acting Rector at Åbo Akademi University. He has worked as Vice-rector (2019–2022) and as Dean for the Faculty of Arts, Psychology and Theology (2017–2019). In 1996 Lindfelt defended his doctoral disseration in Theology at Åbo Akademi University and in 1999 he received his licentiate degree in Philosophy. Additionally he is a docent in Sport Science at Malmö University and in Ethics at Uppsala University. He has worked as University Lecturer in Theology (1999–2015) and as Professor in Systematic Theology since 2015. His research has mainly focused on differents aspects of worldviews and ethics and in recent years also on attitudes towards vaccinations.
Seven people applied for the position as new rector at Åbo Akademi University.
Mera information:
Chair of the Åbo Akademi University Board
Thomas Wilhelmsson
Tfn: +358 50 301 9305
Professor Mikael Lindfelt
Telefon: +358 50 544 2628
E-post: Mikael.Lindfelt@abo.fi