Message from the Board of Åbo Akademi University
To staff and students at Åbo Akademi University,
During the past week, the atmosphere and leadership within Åbo Akademi University have been commented on in the mass media. The ÅAU Board has discussed the issue, both within the Board and with the Rector. The Board emphasizes the willingness to take the criticism seriously. It is important that the university invests in opening its doors, especially now that the pandemic hopefully is in retreat.
Both the Board and the Rectorate listen to the criticism, which mainly concerns communication and information flow, the feeling of participation in decision-making and the management’s accessibility. The method of operation should be developed so that the needs that have been asserted can be met in a better way. By listening and having continuous discussions with the university community, one can create a better participation. The Board works to ensure that the decision-making processes develop in this direction. It is also being investigated how the Rectorate can be supported in this work.
The Board emphasizes the importance of everyone at Åbo Akademi University feeling able to take an active part in the development of the university. It is in everyone’s interest that we together can meet the challenges facing the university.
With kind regards,
Thomas Wilhelmsson
Chair of the Board