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Emmi Henriksson receives Åbo Akademi Natural Materials Technology Award

M.Sc. (Tech.) Emmi Henriksson receives the Åbo Akademi Natural Materials Technology Award for her master’s thesis “Chemical addition to the wet web using foam application.”

The award, newly founded by the Finnish Forest Products’ Engineers’ Association (PI), aims at promoting education and research in natural materials technology by recognising a meritorious diploma, master’s or doctoral thesis completed at Åbo Akademi University. The award amounts to 5 000 euros and was granted for the first time at the association’s spring summit on 20 April 2023.

“I want to congratulate Emmi for producing an outstanding M.Sc. thesis work worthy of the Natural Materials Technology Award. It is a great pleasure to supervise bright and talented individuals like her. The establishment of the award by Finnish Forest Products’ Engineers’ Association is a recognition of the important role Åbo Akademi University plays in both education and research in the field of Finnish bioeconomy”, says Professor Martti Toivakka of the Laboratory of Natural Materials Technology at Åbo Akademi University.

Research at the Laboratory of Natural Materials Technology focuses on the utilization of biomass in the development of current and future environmentally friendly products and processes. The Natural Materials Technology is part of the the Chemical and Process Engineering education programme at Åbo Akademi University.