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Doctoral thesis on new ways of accessing properties of solar cell materials

Nora Wilson.
Nora Wilson

M.Sc. Nora Wilson’s doctoral thesis in physics will be put forth for public defence at the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Åbo Akademi University.

The thesis is entitled Modulation spectroscopies for characterization of photovoltaic materials and devices.

The public defence of the doctoral thesis takes place on 3 March 2024 at 1.15 PM in lecture hall XXI, Agora, Vesilinnantie 3, Turku. Associate Professor Tracey M. Clarke, University College London, UK will serve as opponent and Professor Ronald Österbacka, Åbo Akademi University as custos.


In the search for effective, cheap and functional solar cell materials a versatile toolbox of measurements methods is needed. This thesis presents new ways of accessing properties of solar cell materials. The methods give access to information about how electrons are mobilized when the sample is illuminated and how these electrons, with time, return to stationary states. The thesis includes new methods for analysing a well-known method, photoinduced absorption, and a new method where the quantum efficiency of photoluminescence is measured under electromodulation. In both methods the sample is subjected to a periodically varying influence, light intensity or voltage. By doing this, a periodic response is induced, which enables a higher sensitivity than is possible by a constant measurement.

Nora Marita Wilson was born in 1990 Rosala. She can be reached by email nora.wilson@abo.fi.

The doctoral thesis can be read online through the Doria publication archive.

Click here for a press photo of the doctoral student.