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Call for papers: Suggest an abstract for the HKTP-conference by 6 October 2023.

This year Finnish Association for Administrative Studies’ and Focus Localis’ seventh joint conference is arranged at Åbo Akademi in Turku. The conference will be held on November 15.-17. with the theme Time of Scarcity.

Now it’s time for an abstract search. Check out the workshops and register directly to the workshop leaders by email (or as instructed) by Friday 6 October. The length of the abstract proposal should be around 250 words (unless otherwise specified in the individual working group description). Those accepted into the working group will be notified by 24 October. Accepted abstracts will be published in the electronic abstract book, so please send your abstract in word format. The abstract book will be published on 25.10.2023.

The working groups will meet on Thursday 16 November from 15.15-17.45 and Friday 17 November from 9.00-11.00 at the Åbo Akademi campus in Turku. Welcome!

Under you can see the working group with an English-speaking panel. More working groups are held in Finnish (see here).



Working group in English


Group 10. Public administration, management and governance English-speaking working group

This English-speaking panel, chaired jointly by Assistant Professor Sorin Dan and Professor Christoph Demmke from the University of Vaasa, will discuss papers and presentations in English on the theme of the conference as well as more generally on public administration, public management and public governance topics. With this panel we aim to give the opportunity to both Finnish and non-Finnish speaking scholars at all levels (PhD, post-doc as well as senior scholars) to present their work and papers in English in order to receive feedback and share ideas with other scholars who are working in Finland. We also aim to build a community of scholars who can share their ideas in English and in this way participate fully and benefit from the conference as well as beyond the conference.

Dr. Sorin Dan, Assistant Professor of Public Management, School of Management, University of Vaasa
E-mail: sorin.dan[at]uwasa.fi
Prof. Christoph Demmke, Professor of Public Management, School of Management, University of Vaasa
E-mail: christoph.demmke[at]uwasa.fi




Updated 9.10.2023