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Monday February 6, 2023

09.00-09.30 Seminar opening
Music performance

Tom Gullberg
Project manager DIOK-Norden
Senior University Lecturer
Åbo Akademi University

Kristina Kaihari
Counsellor of Education
Finnish National Agency for Education

Room: Akademisalen (C302)

09.30-11.00 Panel discussion: Introduction to past and current research on democracy and human rights by Nordic university representatives

Tom Gullberg, Senior University Lecturer, Åbo Akademi University
Tuija Kasa, Doctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki
Perttu Männistö, Project Researcher, University of Jyväskylä
Jan Löfström, Professor, University of Turku
Johan Hansson, Lecturer, Umeå University
Silvia Edling, Professor in curriculum studies, University of Gävle
Kirsten M. Andersen, Senior lecturer, University College South Denmark
Susan Gollifer, Doctor, School of Education, University of Iceland
Geir Skeie, Professor, University of Stavanger
Knut Vesterdal, Associate Professor, NTNUModerator: Anders Fransén

Room: Akademisalen

11.00-12.00 Lunch
12.00-14.00 Sámi National Day Festivity Session
Room: Akademisalen
12.00-12.30 Sami educational and school history in a Nordic Context
Otso Kortekangas,
Postdoctoral researcher, Åbo Akademi University
12.30-13.00 Sami visibility in Finnish teaching and course literature
Pigga Keskitalo
(online presentation), Professor, University of Lapland
13.00-13.30 Teaching Sami Pasts and Presents: Complexities in Teaching Practice in Contemporary Swedish Classrooms
Björn Norlin,
Docent, Umeå University
Anna-Lill Drugge, Lecturer, Umeå University
13.30-14.00 WINTER OF CHANGE
Robert Fox
, VR Biosphere
Matti Rautianen, Senior University Lecturer, University of JyväskyläNOTE! Room: C215
14.00-14.30 Coffee

The foyer

14.30-17.00 Minority pedagogy in the Nordic countries
Room: Akademisalen
14.30-15.00 An insight into the European Convention of Minority Languages
Jarmo Lainio
, Professor Emeritus, Stockholm University
15.00-15.25 From informative to transformative practice? Models of human Rights Education
Knut Westerdal
, Associate Professor, NTNU
15.25-15.50 Sweden-Finns in Swedish textbooks between 1950s and 2020s: a renegotiation on national identity through the concept of ”national minority
Lina Spjut
, Lecturer, Umeå University
15.50-16.15 Finnish ethnic minority youth’s civic identity: Implications for democracy education
Anuleena Kimanen
, University Lecturer, University of Turku
16.15-16.40 Emotions and controversial issues in social studies teaching
Kristina Ledman, Associate Professor, Umeå University
16.40-17.00 Shared reflections from Day 1
Moderator Tom Gullberg
18.00 Dinner
Music performance by Sofia Lundell 

Restaurant Hejm

Tuesday February 7, 2023

09.00-10.00 Agora: Democracy, participation and empowerment in a Finnish context
Round-table sharing session
Representatives from DIOK-schools around Finland 

Room: D402

10.00-10.30 Reflections
Reflections from the Agora session
Moderator Matti Rautianen 

Room: D402

10.30-11.00 Coffee in room D402
11.00-12.30 Next step

Room: Auditorium Bruhn

11.00-11.30 The current situation and needs for change
Geir Skeie
, Professor, University of Stavanger
11.30-12.00 Dembra: A model for democratic readiness against racism and antisemtism
Peder Nustad (online presentation)
12.00-12.30 Wrap-up discussion and closing words
Tom Gullberg

Kristina Kaihari
Jørgen Haavardsholm
12.30 Lunch at Restaurant Bacchus


Programme for print

Updated 30.1.2023