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Daily sexual and relational well-being in couples

Daily sexual and relational well-being in couples

Are you in a committed intimate relationship?

We are now looking for couples to participate in a scientific study on sexual and relationship well-being! The study is a collaboration between Åbo Akademi University and Maastricht University.

The study will last eight weeks, during which you and your partner will complete short questionnaires on your smartphone daily. The questions will cover topics such as your general and sexual well-being, sexual activities you engage in, and feelings about yourself and your relationship.

To participate, both you and your partner need to be interested in taking part in the study. You can participate in the study if you 1) are at least 18 years old, 2) have been in a committed intimate relationship with each other for at least six months, and 3) see each other regularly (i.e., several times a week) during the study period.

If you and your partner complete the study, you will have the opportunity to receive two25 vouchers (€5 for every two weeks and an additional €5 if you complete the eight weeks) for bol.com (participants in the Netherlands) or S-Ryhmä (participants in Finland). Students at Maastricht University can also receive 3 SONA credits.

Participation is completely voluntary. The data collected will be kept and processed completely confidentially. If you wish to withdraw from the study during the course of the study, you may do so without giving a reason.

Does this sound interesting?

If you are interested in participating, please fill out this screening questionnaire: link to questionnaire

We will contact you by email if you are a suitable candidate for the study. If you have any practical questions about the study, do not hesitate to contact Master’s thesis students Andreea Badea (a.abadea@student.maastrichtuniversity.nl) or Linn Thomsen (l.thomsen@student.maastrichtuniversity.nl).



Responsible researchers:


Annika Gunst, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher

Department of Psychology, Åbo Akademi University




Marieke Dewitte, PhD

Assistant Professor

Clinical Psychological Science, Maastricht University

The Netherlands


Updated 15.1.2025