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Call for papers on cross-curricular teaching in subject education – knowledge and Bildung in a global world 

Topics often considered in cross-curricular teaching are how knowledge and generic competencies relate to school subjects. What knowledge and skills will the students need for future challenges in a global world? In what ways can schools and classrooms be(come) sites for the processes of
Bildung? How can such processes be realized by combining different school subjects and how can teachers and students work with topics related to an open and undefined future? 

Following one of the themes of the Nordic Conference on Subject Education (NOFA) 9, we invite PhD students, researchers, teacher students and practitioners to submit scientific papers related to cross-curricular teaching. Submissions will undergo double-blind peer review. Accepted articles will be published online in the journal Suomen ainedidaktinen tutkimusseura/Samfundet för ämnesdidaktisk forskning i Finland. For examples, please see the current issue in the journal ainedidaktiikka: https://journal.fi/ainedidaktiikka/

We require two versions of your paper, 1) a blind version with all identifiers removed, 2) your full paper with all information. Send the two versions of the article in separate files to nofa9@abo.fi. Please suggest two reviewers for your submission in your email. Conference publication editors are Charlotta Hilli and Nina Mård from Åbo Akademi University, Finland. Questions can be addressed to charlotta.hilli@abo.fi

Practical information about the articles:

  • Article length is 5000-7000 words
  • Article languages are English, Swedish, or Finnish
  • The article includes a title, an abstract (100 words) and 3–5 keywords in English
  • Embed figures and additional materials in the document (and not at the end of it)
  • Use font size 12 and single spacing (1.0)
  • Include a URL and DOI whenever possible
  • Use APA 6 referencing style
  • Please use Microsoft Word

Deadline for article submission, Monday 2nd of October 2023 

Publication of articles, June 2024 



Updated 11.9.2023