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Virtual European Polymer Conference a Success

The third Virtual European Polymer Conference was held on 9–10 November 2022.

This conference was organised by Professor Sergej Filippov (Åbo Akademi University, Finland) and Professor Vitaliy Khutoryanskiy (University of Reading, UK) as a free event both for speakers and attendees.

It featured plenary lectures from four world leaders in polymer science such as Prof. Nicholas Peppas (University of Texas at Austin, USA), Prof. Katja Loos (University of Groningen, Netherlands), Prof. David Haddleton (University of Warwick, UK) and Dr Ana Jaklenec (Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, MIT, USA).

It also included 18 invited talks from established and earlier career researchers from different countries. The conference was attended by more than 200 online delegates and received very positive feedback. Most of the talks were recorded and will be posted on the conference YouTube channel.

Prof. Filippov said: “I am very pleased with the success of this conference. It was the third online conference we organised, following two other very successful events held in 2021 and 2020. We specifically invite top researchers to speak at these events and this offers an excellent platform for sharing knowledge in polymer science and for establishing new collaborations”.

Prof. Khutoryanskiy added: “The advantage offered by our online conferences is their accessibility to any researcher in the world, regardless of their country of residence, mobility, and financial capabilities. They only need to have access to internet and desire to expand their knowledge”.

Åbo Akademi University has been one of the event-organizing partners in all of the conferences in the series with the aid of NordForsk funding received for the network Nordic POP (Patient-Oriented Products).

Click here for full conference information and a schedule of talks.