Doctoral thesis on parents and family dynamics in Swedish youth literature 1968–1979

M.A. Pia Vuorio’s doctoral thesis in Literature will be put forth for public defence at The Faculty of Arts, Psychology and Theology at Åbo Akademi University.
The thesis is entitled Problemföräldrar kan ni vara själva! Föräldrar och familjedynamik i svensk ungdomsbok 1968–1979.
The public defence of the doctoral thesis takes place on Friday 31. January 2025 at 1PM in auditorium Argentum, Aurum, Henrikikatu 2, Turku. Professor Anna Nordenstam, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, will serve as opponent and Professor Mia Österlund, Åbo Akademi University, as custos.
Pia Vuorio (née Perokorpi) can be reached by phone +358 40 554 2854 or email pia.perokorpi@abo.fi.
The doctoral thesis can be read online through the Doria publication archive.