Journal Publications

  1. Qvist, B. and A. Törn (1963), "Calculation of some energy integrals with the Monte Carlo method", Acta Acad. Aboensis Math. et Phys. 23.8, 12 pp.

  2. Törn, A. (1963), "Tillämpning av Monte Carlo-metoden påberäkning av flerdimensionella integraler", Nordisk Matematisk Tidskrift, Band II; Häfte 3, 1963, 97-102.

  3. Dahlblom, T., K-G. Fogel, B. Qvist and A.A. Törn (1964), "Investigations of some long-range force corrections to the ground-state energy of Nuclear Matter", Nuclear Physics 56, 177-190.

  4. Törn, A.A. (1966), "Crude Monte Carlo quadrature in infinite variance case and the central limit theorem", BIT 6, 339-346.

  5. Lehtonen, J.B. and A.A. Törn (1972), "Signal-to-noise ratio in recording visual evoked potentials (VEP)", Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest. 29, Suppl. 122.

  6. Lehtonen, J.B. and A.A. Törn (1974), "Verbesserung des Signal-Rausch-Verhältnisses bei der Aufzeichnung visuell evozierter Potentiale unter besonderer Berüucksichtigung der alpha-Tätigkeit als Störgrösse", Z. EEG-EMG 5, 53-59.

  7. Törn, A.A. (1974b), "Global optimering som en kombination av global och lokal sökning", TTA, Forskning och teknik 9, 29-32.

  8. Törn, A.A. (1977a), "Cluster analysis using seed points and density-determined hyperspheres with an application to global optimization", IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 7, 610-616.

  9. Törn, A.A. (1980a), "A sampling-search-clustering approach for exploring feasible/efficient solutions of MCDM problems", Computers and Operations Research 7, 67-79.

  10. Törn, A.A. (1980b), "A general purpose optimizer based on clustering", Technische Hochschule Leipzig, Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift 4/1980, 383-389.

  11. Törn, A.A. (1980c), "Correlation coefficients of linear regression models of human decision making", OMEGA 8, 393-394.

  12. Törn, A.A. (1980d), "Multimålproblem och deras lösningsmetoder", The Finnish Journal of Business Economics, 4-1980, 269-274.

  13. Törn, A.A. (1981b), "Simulation graphs: a general tool for modeling simulation designs", SIMULATION 37:6, 187-194.

  14. Törn, A.A. (1984), "Hashing with overflow indexing", BIT 24, 317-332.

  15. Törn, A.A. (1985a), "Simulation nets, a simulation modeling and validation tool", SIMULATION 45:2, 71-75.

  16. Törn, A.A. (1989a), "An efficient procedure for determining the enabled set", Petri Net Newsletter 31, 23-27.

  17. Törn, A.A. (1990a), "Models of software accumulation", Journal of Systems & Software 12, 39-42.

  18. Törn, A.A. (1990b), "Decision support by rapid simulation using Simulation Nets", Decision Support Systems 6, 299-305.

  19. Törn, A.A. (1990c), "PICA - A graphical program development tool", Acta Cybernetica 9, 303-321.

  20. Eriksson, I. and A.A. Törn (1990a), "SOLE -- IS quality and efficient IS management", Tietojenkäsittelytiede 1 (Finland), 29-37.

  21. Eriksson, I. and A.A. Törn (1991), "A model for IS quality", Software Engineering Journal 6, 152-158.

  22. Törn, A.A. (1991b), "The simulation net approach to modelling and simulation", SIMULATION 57:3, 196-198.

  23. Törn, A.A. and S. Viitanen (1994), "Topographical global optimization using pre-sampled points", Journal of Global Optimization 5, 267-276.

  24. Ali, M., C. Storey and A. Törn (1997), "Application of stochastic global optimization algorithms to practical problems", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 95, No. 3, 545-563.

  25. Ali, M., A. Törn and S. Viitanen (1997), "A numerical comparison of some modified controlled random search algorithms", Journal of Global Optimization 11 (4), 377-385.

  26. Eriksson, I. and A. Törn (1997), "Introduction to IST special issue on Information System Quality", In: Eriksson, I. and A. Törn (Guest Editors), "Special Issue: Information System Quality", Information and Software Technology 39/12, 797-799.

  27. Törn, A. (1998), "Some tricks in deriving the reachability tree", Petri Net Newsletter 54, 19-21.

  28. Törn, A., M. Ali and S. Viitanen (1999), "Stochastic global optimization: Problem classes and solution techniques", Journal of Global Optimization 14, 437-447.

  29. Törn, A., T. Andersson and K. Enholm (1999), "A Complexity Metrics Model For Software", South African Computer Journal 24, November 1999, 40-48.

  30. Hamma, B., S. Viitanen and A. Törn (2000), "Parallel continuous simulated annealing for global optimization, Optimization Methods and Software, Vol. 13, No. 2, 93-116.

  31. Suominen, J., P. Paju and A. Törn (2000), "Varsinaissuomalainen linja Suomen tietoteknistymisen alkuvaiheissa 1959-1064 - Turun Laskukeskus ja Wegematic 1000-teitojenkäsittelykone, tekniikan Waiheita 18, 3/00 24-46.

  32. Törn, A., M. Ali and S. Viitanen (2001), "A Direct Search Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Optimization Involving Continuous Variables", to appear in Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 29, No. 1, 87-102.