Aimo Törn
Publications 1997

Edited Works

    Eriksson, I. and A.A. Törn (Guest Editors) (1997), "Special Issue: Information System Quality", Information and Software Technology 39/12, 797-850.

In Journals

  1. Ali, M., C. Storey and A. Törn (1997), "Application of stochastic global optimization algorithms to practical problems", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 95, No. 3, 545-563.

  2. Ali, M., A. Törn and S. Viitanen (1997), "A numerical comparison of some modified controlled random search algorithms", Journal of Global Optimization 11 (4), 377-385.

  3. Eriksson, I. and A. Törn (1997), "Introduction to IST special issue on Information System Quality", In: Eriksson, I. and A. Törn (Guest Editors), "Special Issue: Information System Quality", Information and Software Technology 39/12, 797-800.

In Collections

    Törn, A., I. Eriksson and L. von Hellens (1997), "Information system quality", In: M. Ruohonen (Ed.), "Visioiva valmentaja verkostoissa", Publications of the Turku School of Economics and Business Administration, Series C-2:1997, 175-185.

Manuscripts, Technical Reports, Teaching Material

  1. Ali, M., A. Törn and S. Viitanen (1997), "A direct search Simulated Annealing algorithm involving continuous variables", TUCS, Technical Reports No. 97.

  2. Ali, M. A. Törn and S. Viitanen (1997), "A numerical comparison of some modified controlled random search algorithms", TUCS, Technical Reports No. 98.

  3. Törn, A, T. Andersson and K. Enholm (1997), "An effort-length.complexity metrics model for Software", TUCS, Tehnical Reports No. 99.

  4. Törn, A., T. Andersson and K. Enholm (1997), "A Complexity Metrics Model for Software", 18 pp.

  5. Törn, A., M. Ali and S. Viitanen (1997), "Stochastic global optimization: Problem classes and solution techniques", submitted to Journal of Global Optimization, 12 pp.

  6. Törn, A. (1997), "Lecture Notes on Software Quality",, 80 pp.

Other Publications

    Engblom, C. and A. Törn (ed.) (1997), "Annual Report 1995", Åbo Akademi, Department of Computer Science, Reports on Computer Science & Mathematics, Ser, B, No 28, 49 pp.