Functional Programming: Contents

Last updated 30.3.1999
Course material prepared by A. Törn in the Spring 1999 for a course on Functional Programming at the Computer Science Department of Åbo Akademi University and TUCS Turku, Finland. The course is based on the books listed in the Abstract.

© A. Törn. Must not be reproduced verbatim or by editing, or used for giving a course without permission from the author.

PART 1: Functional Programing Principles with Scheme
PART 3: Software prototyping using me too

PART 1: Functional Programming Principles with Scheme

  1. Introduction
    1. Illustration
    2. Scheme
    3. SML
    4. me too
  2. Abstractions with Procedures
    1. Primitives
    2. Naming and Environment
    3. Conditional Expressions and Predicates
    4. Local Definitions and Block Structure
    5. Recursive and Iterative Processes
    6. Tree Recursion
    7. Procedures as Parameters
    8. Defining Local Variables
    9. Procedures as Returned Values, Currying
  3. Abstractions with Data
    1. Use of Pairs: Rational Numbers
    2. Sequences
  4. Modularity, Objects, and State
    1. Assignment and Local State
    2. More Elaborated Objects
    3. Sameness
    4. The Environment Model of Evaluation
    5. Modeling with Mutable Data
  5. Delayed Evaluation
    1. delay and force
    2. Streams
  6. Some Additional Special Forms and Procedures
  7. Some Applications
    1. Towers of Hanoi
    2. Finding Primes
    3. Longest Non-Decreasing Subsequence
    4. Software Metrics
  1. SML
    1. Expressions
    2. Variables
    3. Functions
    4. Objects
PART 3: Functional Programming with me too
  1. me too
    1. The me too Shell
    2. An Introductory Example
    3. The Completed Design for Phone-Bills
    4. The Completed Design for Text-Proc
    5. The Completed Design for Lib-Sys
    6. Summary