Finland's page for team handball

Finland's handball page

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Founded in december 1995. Take your byte

journeys to this page since 17 Oct. 1996, and millions before that...

Welcome to Finland's oldest active pages for team handball

My own unofficial pages are listed below.
I am not paid for doing this, so I make them
 in my short sparetime.

  • Finnish player of the year
  • Finnish male teams in the European Cups
  • Finnish female teams in the European Cups
  • Audiences
  • SKPL in 1941
  • 11-man team handball

    Pages in finnish:

  • World championships-history views
  • European championships for men 1994-
  • Qualification for the European championships tournament 1996
  • The European Cup finals 1996
  • The European Cup finals 1997
  • The European Cup finals 1998
  • All European Cup champions
  • Calendar for the future
  • Book of records

    Other domestic pages

    1. Results, news, etc.
    2. Retired numbers (jerseys) for players

      The premier league for men 1944-

    3. All the seats. How the clubs succeeded each season
    4. Basic round 1974-
    5. The referees. Games and festive games
    6. Players with 300 games
    7. Festive games and individual goals
    8. Goal scorers. 1000 individual goals
    9. Goal scorers. The best averages

      The premier league for women 1946-

    10. All the seats. How the clubs succeeded each season
    11. The referees. Games and festive games
    12. Festive games and individual goals
    13. Goal scorers. 1000 individual goals

      Finland's cup 1974-, men and women

    14. All the finals
    15. 1995-1996
    16. 1996-1997
    17. 1997-1998
    18. 1998-1999
    19. 1999-2000
    20. 2000-2001
    21. 2001-2002
    22. 2002-2003
    23. 2003-2004
    24. 2004-2005
    25. 2005-2006
    26. 2006-2007
    27. 2007-2008
    28. 2008-2009
    29. 2009-2010
    30. 2010-2011
    31. 2011-2012
    32. 2012-2013
    33. 2013-2014
    34. 2014-2015
    35. 2015-2016
    36. 2016-2017
    37. 2017-2018
    38. 2018-2019
    39. 2019-2020
    40. 2020-2021
    41. 2021-2022
    42. 2022-2023
    43. 2023-2024

      Internationals and the national teams

    44. Finland's internationals 1 June 1993-31 May 1994
    45. Finland's internationals 1 June 1994-31 May 1995
    46. Finland's internationals 1 June 1995-30 May 1996
    47. Most internationals
    48. Mikael Källman's internationals
    49. Male national team
    50. Male national teams, ages 20-23
    51. Male national teams, age 19 and younger
    52. Female national teams
    53. Female national teams, ages 19-23
    54. Female national teams, age 18 and younger


  • This page updated 19 June 2023. Jens Backlund at your service