Welcome to join us for a sneak peak of the new StartUp space! There will be a whole week filled with entrepreneurship, more of the program below. The joint StartUp Factory project of all univerisities in Vaasa is officially opening the space at University of Vaasa, Fabriikki (2:nd floor) designated to entrepreneurship and innovation. The space will evolve over time together with all stakeholders and active partners as this is a true StartUp in itself!
Hope to see you at our official opening on 3.10!
P.S. The arcade is open on Thursday & Friday from 15-19.
Start Up Factory i Fabriikki är Vasa högskolornas och universitetens gemensamma plats för entreprenörskap och innovation. Här kan studerande hämta inspiration, utveckla och få stöd för sin företagsidé, och en plats och ett nätverk att bolla med. Den 3.10 kl 9-12 är det invigning med öppet hus, och en hel vecka fylld med entreprenörskap, se program nedan.
Välkomna till VY/ Fabriikki, och bekanta er med utrymmet och planerna för det nya gemensamma Start Up Factory i Vasa!
Opening week:
Thursday, 3.10.2024
- Open House at StartUp space from 9– 12
- Showcasing programs and activities from 12-15
- For further info about StartUp Space please contact: Hendrik Morkel, StartUp Space Community Manager, hendrik.morkel(at)hanken.fi
- Gaming and networking at the Arcade from 15-19 (Fabriikki building 3rd floor, Yliopistonranta 10)
- For further info about the Arcade please contact: Teemu Närvä, University of Vaasa, +358 400 817 006, teemu.narva(at)uwasa.fi
Friday, 4.10.2
Open house at StartUp Space
- Creating the space together & creative workshops from 10-15
- Gaming and refreshments at the Arcade from 15-19
Saturday & Sunday, 5-6.10.2024
The NASA International Space Apps Hackathon
- Signup required, more info about the event: www.spaceappschallenge.org/nasa-space-apps-2024/2024-local-events/vaasa
- For further info please contact: Jari Ratilainen, Design Centre MUOVA, +358 40 182 9027, jari.ratilainen(at)vamk.fi
Monday & Tuesday, 7-8.102024
Starting the Demola projects
- For further info please contact: Riccardo Notarangelo, University of Vaasa, +358 29 449 8693, riccardo.notarangelo (at)uwasa.fi
Wednesday, 9.10.2024
VES-day from 13-18
- Inspiring keynotes
- Networking
- Pizza and beverages
- For further info please contact: pj(at)ves.fi or vpj(at)ves.fi