Åbo Akademi University has the honor to inaugurate three professors on Friday 21 March 2025 at 2.15 PM in the Ceremonial Hall of the Old Academy Building (Rothoviusgatan 1). The doors will open at 1.45 PM and the guest are requested to take their places no later than 2 PM.
Inaugurated from the Faculty of Science and Engineering (FNT) are professor in Marine Ecology Christian Pansch-Hattich, professor in Software Engineering Sébastien Lafond and professor in Environmental Geology Peter Österholm.
The event is open to the public. Registration closes Wednesday 19 March 2025 at 11.59 PM.
The detailed program and lecture titles published here and on the Intra pages in the beginning of March.
Dress code
For new professors and participants in the procession the dress code is formal attire. Academic formal attire, a tailcoat with a white bow tie and black waistcoat, a black long dress or pantsuit. New professors and Participants in the procession wear a doctoral hat. No orders.
For guests, a dark suit or better casual attire is recommended, as well as a dress or skirt with a matching top.
Any questions can be directed to events@abo.fi