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Insurance cover in Finland?

Your social insurance cover in Finland, and whether you are entitled to use public health care services, will be based on your status in Finland. Please read about Social Insurance and Health Care.

To avoid any unpleasant surprises, even if you might at some point be entitled to Finnish social insurance and health care, it is recommended that you take a health insurance from your home country before leaving, covering you during your stay in Finland and also during your travel to and from Finland.

In relation to your activities at the University, the insurance cover will be different between an employee, a grant or scholarship holder, and PhD students:

  • If employed by the University, you are covered by your employer in case of a work-related injury (Accident Insurance), in the event of an accident during work travel (Travel Insurance) and you are also subscribed to a Collective Life Insurance.
  • As a grant or scholarship holder, you are not in an employment relationship, and therefore not covered by the University’s insurances. In this case, you are liable for taking out and paying for necessary insurance policies yourself. Please read more from Grant Researchers.
  • PhD students are enrolled as students at Åbo Akademi University, and are insured in the event of an accident.

Student Insurance Program (SIP)

Universities in Finland, Åbo Akademi University included, have negotiated an affordable health insurance, the Student Insurance Program (SIP). Despite its name, the SIP insurance can be subscribed by also scientists, members of staff, and their spouses and children ( > 5 years old).

SIP is valid worldwide. Two insurance solutions have been negotiated: SIP Integral and SIP Complement. SIP will reimburse your medical expenses with no maximum amount and with zero deductible:

  • SIP Integral will reimburse your medical expenses from the first euro. It has been designed for persons who are not member of a health fund or who do not benefit from a social security system.
  • SIP Complement will supplement any reimbursement from your health fund. It is meant for persons who hold a European Health Insurance Card, or who have a basic mutual healthcare cover. If you have a basic mutual healthcare cover, please verify if your country of origin has a reciprocal healthcare agreement with Finland, to ensure that your cover effectively offers reimbursement in Finland. If not, you will need the SIP Integral solution to be fully reimbursed for the medical costs incurred.

The SIP insurance can be purchased online with a credit card. If you have any questions about the insurance, please contact SIP directly.

You can of course also opt for other insurance providers (examples).

Updated 4.7.2019