Ragnar Wikman's personal pages

The private homepage of

Ragnar Wikman

This picture of myself is taken at the Mindsports Olympiad in London 1997, a truly enjoyable and interesting event. I took part also in 1998 (collecting a fourth link for the special necktie...) and I hope to be able to participate also sometimes during this millenium...

Where (do I feel at home)

Universitetsgatan 8 D 79
FIN-20100 Åbo

How (to get in touch)

Well, the easiest way is by email - usually I respond sooner (rarely) or later (most likely the later) unless you're a 419 scammer in which case you'd better hope I don't answer at all... In the unlikely case you wish to hear my voice your only chance is to talk to me face-to-face.

What (are my hobbies)

  • Correspondence chess
  • Other strategy board games
  • New Age-related ideas and literature
  • SciFi literature
  • Puns and other jokes
  • Newslinks in Swedish and some in English (not really a hobby, but useful)
  • Why (am I doing this)

    Now, that is a very good question! And unless the answer is 42, I really don't have the faintest idea...

    My main hobby is correspondence chess, even though I have tried to cut down on my responsibilities in this area. However, if you click here you'll still be able to find my name in quite a few places...

    My vain hobby is cracking stupid jokes, the stupider the better. In case you happen to understand Swedish AND Finnish, you might find a sample by clicking here... (But don't say I didn't warn you!)

    The construction work on this page is likely to go on for ever...
    Stay tuned for [very] (in)frequent updates...

    Last modified 27-Feb-2018

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