The official homepage of

Ragnar Wikman

I worked at the Department of Information Technologies at Åbo Akademi University as a lecturer, but am now retired. However, I can still be seen around the premises every now and then.

Where (can you find me)

Vattenborgsvägen 5
FIN-20520 Åbo

How (to get in touch)

Visit: Agora, 3rd floor
finger rwikman

What (was I doing)

  • Teaching basic courses in Computer Science
  • Working on this homepage
  • Homing in on this workpage, and
  • cracking other stupid jokes
  • Why (did I do what I did)

    Why, this just happened to be a great place to work at!

    When I'm not at work I might be at home, which is someplace in Åbo.
    For further information about me, click here...

    The construction work on this page is likely to go on for ever...
    Stay tuned for [extreemely] (in)frequent updates...

    Last modified 27-Feb-2018