Mattjus lab

Lipid Transfer Protein Research group

The research involves the involvement of the glycolipid transfer protein GLTP in myelin lipid production, and why GLTP is absent in ceramide synthase 2-deficient mouse brain cells. Research questions address the interplay between GLTP and enzymes responsible for myelin lipid synthesis, the consequences of silencing GLTP on myelin lipid production, and the identification of other proteins interacting with GLTP.

Our long-term goals involve determining GLTP's interactions with other proteins, and understanding the regulation of these protein-protein interactions.
Our hypothesis is that GLTP functions as a molecular orchestrator involved in the transport of different GSLs, so that the correct lipids reach their intended target membrane. The hypothesis is based on our key finding that GLTP interacts with the vesicular trafficking VAP proteins involved in the transport

events from the ER.

GLTP and VAP interacting on a membrane surface.