Stochastic population models

In recent years, there has been an upsurge in interest for a certain class of simple single-species population models, no doubt largely because of their intriguing dynamical properties. They have provided the archetypes of elementary chaos theory where they remain a source of discovery and challenge. These classical models meet the criteria set by Hassell who introduced a systematic approach to the development of so-called density-dependent population models in discrete time. These models take the form

xt+1 = f(xt), t=0,1,2,...

Here xt represents the population density at time t or in generation t. The models should according to Hassell meet two fundamental criteria:
1. The population should have the potential to increase exponentially for small populations, but
2. there should be a density-dependent feedback which reduces the actual rate of increase as the population grows.
Such requirements lead us naturally to unimodular functions f increasing from the origin up to some point c and decreasing to the right of c. Examples of such models are the Ricker model

xt+1 = xtexp(r - g xt)

and the Hassell model

xt+1 = r xt / (1 + xt)b

where r (or exp(r)) is the intrinsic growth rate for small populations and g and b, respectively, represent the inhibitive density-dependent feedback, usually attributed to the environment.

The dynamical systems generated by unimodular functions f as above exhibit a rich variety in their asymptotic behavior. In our project we want to investigate some stochastic models, equally reasonable from the ``biologically logical'' point of view since they meet Hassell's two criteria. Do they behave similarly or do new phenomena appear? The stochasticity will be both demographic (we model individuals and they do not necessarily multiply in exactly the same way) and environmental (the environmental parameter gamma is allowed to vary, modeling, e. g., variable weather conditions). It turns out that the dynamics of the deterministic model is largely preserved by demographic stochasticity whereas environmental stochasticity may induce a growth-catastrophe behavior in the process .

For simplicity, we usually work with the Ricker model. Many of the results go through for other unimodular models as well.

At ÅAU, the research is carried out by Professor Högnäs and doctoral student Henrik Fagerholm.

Selected references:

Göran Högnäs: Quasi-stationary behaviour in a simple discrete-time model, Åbo Akademi Reports on Computer Science and Mathematics, Ser.A, 2001. 10pp.

Henrik Fagerholm and Göran Högnäs: Stability classification of a Ricker model with two random parameters, Advances in Applied Probability 34 (2002), pp. 112 - 127.

Göran Högnäs: On the quasi-stationary distribution of a stochastic Ricker model, Stoch. Proc. Appl. 70 (1997), pp. 243 - 263.

Mårten Ström: The influence of stochastic environmental parameters on a stochastic population model [in Swedish], unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Åbo Akademi University, Department of Mathematics 1998.

Michel Vellekoop and Göran Högnäs: A unifying framework for chaos and stochastic stability in discrete population models, J. Math. Biology 35 (1997), pp. 557 - 588.

Mats Gyllenberg, Göran Högnäs and Timo Koski: Population models with environmental stochasticity, J. Math. Biology 32 (1994), pp. 93 - 108.