Aimo Törn
Publications 1999

In Journals

  1. Törn, A., M. Ali and S. Viitanen (1999), "Stochastic global optimization: Problem classes and solution techniques", Journal of Global Optimization 14, 437-447.

  2. Törn, A., T. Andersson and K. Enholm (1999), "A Complexity Metrics Model For Software", South African Computer Journal 24, November 1999, 40-48.

Manuscripts, Technical Reports, Teaching Material

  1. Törn, A. (1999a), "Lecture Notes on Functional Programming", 90 pp.

  2. Törn, A. (1999b), "Lecture Notes on Simulation Modelling", 30 pp.

  3. Törn, A. (1999c), "History of Computing in Turku", 18 pp.