Aimo Törn
Publications 2000

In Journals

  1. Hamma, B., S. Viitanen and A. Törn (2000), "Parallel continuous simulated annealing for global optimization", Optimization Methods and Software, Vol. 13, No. 2, 93-116.

  2. Suominen, J., P. Paju and A. Törn (2000), "Varsinaissuomalainen linja Suomen tietoteknistymisen alkuvaiheissa 1959-1064 - Turun Laskukeskus ja Wegematic 1000-teitojenkäsittelykone, tekniikan Waiheita 18, 3/00 24-46.
In Collections

  1. Ali, A. and A. Törn (2000), "Optimization of Carbon and Silicon Cluster Geometry for Tersoff Potential using Differential Evolution", In: C.A. Fluodas and P.M. Pardalos (Eds.), Optimization in Computational Chemistry and Molecular Biology, Kluver Academic Publishers, pp. 287-300.

Manuscripts, Technical Reports, Teaching Material

  1. Törn, A. (2000), "Early History of Computing in Turku, 1959-1964", 18 pp.

  2. Törn, A. (2000), "Early History of Computing in Turku, 1959-1964", Rapporter från Datacentralen vid Åbo Akademi 41, 37 pp.