Petri Nets: Abstract

Törn, Aimo A.
Petri Nets (PNs) are good in modelling (specifying) and analyzing systems with parallel and concurrent processes. For modelling the graphical representation of PNs is used. A PN model can be analyzed in order to validate the design. For this the theoretical properties of PNs are utilized. The models constructed are complete in the sence that they can be direcly executed. For this tools are available which means that the properties of a system may be deduced also by direct observation of the working of its model. The technique thus allows rapid prototyping by means of executable specifications.

The course will cover PNs and a number of PN extensions. The emphasis will be on graphical modelling but a number of important analysis questions will also be covered. PN tools will be used in the modelling.
(Execises, Course Paper, Examination).

  1. Genrich, H.J. and K. Lautenbach, "System modelling with high-level Petri Nets", Theoretical Computer Science 13, 1981, 109-136.
  2. Jensen, K., "Coloured Petri Nets and the invariant-method", Theoretical Computer Science 14, 1981, 317-336.
  3. Jensen, K., "Coloured Petri Nets", Vol.1, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992, 234 pp.
  4. Martinez, J. and M. Silva: "A simple and fast algorithm to obtain all invariants of a generalized Petri Net", in Application and Theory of Petri Nets, Selected papers from the first and Second European Workshop on Application and Theory of Petri Nets. Informatik-Fachberichte, No. 52, Springer Verlag, 1981, 301-310.
  5. Peterson, J.L., "Petri Net Theory and the Modelling of Systems", Prentice-Hall, New Yersey, 1981, 290 pp.
  6. Reisig, W., "Petri Nets - an introduction", ETACS Monographs on Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 4, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1985,161 pp.
  7. Reisig, W., "Elements of Distributed Algorithms", Springer-Verlag, Berlin, to appear 1998.
  8. Törn, A. "Simulation Graphs: A general tool for modelling simulation designs", SIMULATION, Vol.37, No. 6, 1981, 187-194.
  9. Törn, A., "Simulation Modelling", Åbo Akademi, Reports on Computer Science & Mathematics, Ser. B, No 12, 1991, 140 pp.
  10. Törn, A., "Some tricks in manually deriving the reachability tree", Petri Net Newsletter 54, 1998, 19-21.

Course details: Spring 1998 Course

Part of the course material was used Autumn 2001 by Ali Yalsin in a Manufacturing Systems Analysis class at University of South Florida for an introduction to PN.