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Research reports

The series of research reports of the Institute for Human Rights includes, e.g., seminar papers, commissioned research reports and selected Master’s Theses.

No. 37 (2022) Human Rights and Diversity in Compulsory Education: A Brief Legal Commentary (Mariya Riekkinen)

No. 36 (2019) Promoting the Social Inclusion of Youth and Access to Labour Markets: Experiences in Finland, Sweden, and Russia (Mariya Riekkinen, Liya Kalinnikova Magnusson, Natalia Miuller, George Varlamov, Alexey Antipov, Kristina Kirillova, Mariya Prokopchik, and Iulia Gorokhova)

No. 35 (2015) Access to Information and Documents as a Human Right (Mariya Riekkinen and Markku Suksi)

No. 34 (2015) The Legal Position of the Sami in the Exploitation of Mineral Resources in Finland, Norway and Sweden (Giuseppe Amatulli)

No. 33 (2014) Crisis and Social Rights in Europe: Retrogressive Measures versus Protection Mechanisms (Paula García Pedraza)

No. 32 (2014) Reducing Inequalities: A Human Rights-based Approach in Finland’s Development Cooperation with Special Focus on Gender and Disability – A Case Study on Ethiopia and Kenya (Hisayo Katsui, Eija M. Ranta, Sisay A. Yeshanew, Godrey M. Musila, Maija Mustaniemi-Laakso and Alessandra Sarelin)

No. 31 (2012) The Right to Liberty and the Prohibition of Preventive Detention (Helena Solà Martín)

No. 30 (2008) Participatory Rights of Women in Poverty Reduction Processes (Karoline Klaus)

No. 29 (2008) The Activity, Progressiveness and Consistency of the Human Rights Policy of Finland: The Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Miko Lempinen)

No. 28 (2008) The Activity, Progressiveness and Consistency of the Human Rights Policy of Finland: Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Miko Lempinen)

No. 27 (2008) The Activity, Progressiveness and Consistency of the Human Rights Policy of Finland: The Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Miko Lempinen)

No. 26 (2008) The Activity, Progressiveness and Consistency of the Human Rights Policy of Finland: Conscientious Objection to Military Service (Miko Lempinen)

No. 25 (2007) The New Human Rights Council: The First Two Years (Workshop report by Miko Lempinen and Martin Scheinin)

No. 24 (2006) Perusoikeuksien rajoittamisesta kehitysvammapalvelujen toteuttamisessa (Jukka Kumpuvuori)

No. 23 (2005) Internally Displaced Persons and the Right to Housing and Property Restitution (Päivi Koskinen)

No. 22 (2005) Ihmiskaupan vastainen toiminta: Ruotsi, Viro, Italia ja Alankomaat (Pasi Kokkonen, Sanna Sahanen)

No. 21 (2004) The Use of Human Rights Arguments in the Debate for and against the Liberalisation of Trade (Floris van Hees)

No. 20 (2003) National Implementation of Findings by United Nations Human Rights Treaty Bodies: A Comparative Study (Heli Niemi)

No. 19 (2003) Gender-related Persecution as Basis for Refugee Status: Comparative Perspectives (Katja Luopajärvi)

No. 18 (2003) and No. 18 b (2003) Towards an International Convention on the Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Jukka Kumpuvuori/commentary and Martin Scheinin/draft convention)

No. 17 (2003) Honour Killings as Human Rights Violations (Katja Luopajärvi)

No. 16 (2003) Ursprungsfolkens rätt till föda: Om rätten till tillfredsställande föda och rätten att livnära sig (Alessandra Lundström)

No. 15 (2003) Vammaisten henkilöiden ihmisoikeudet Suomessa (Kirjoittajat: Jukka Kumpuvuori ja Marika Högbacka. Ohjaajat: Catarina Krause ja Martin Scheinin)

No. 14 (2002) The Right of Indigenous Peoples to Participation in Development: An Overview of International Human Rights Instruments (Kristian Myntti)

No. 13 (1999) Consultative Relationship between the United Nations and Non-Governmental Organisations (Miko Lempinen)

No. 12 (2002) Reform of the United Nations Treaty Body System Seen from the Developing Country Perspective (Heli Niemi, Martin Scheinin)

No. 11 (2002) Multiple, Compound and Intersectional Discrimination: Bringing the Experiences of the Most Marginalized to the Fore (Timo Makkonen)

No. 10 (2001) Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions: The Scope of the Mandate of the Special Rapporteur (Katja Luopajärvi)

No. 9 (2001) The Implications of the Proposed EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: A Political Declaration or a Legally Binding Instrument? (Mats Lindfelt)

No. 8 (1999) A Bill of Rights for the European Union? (Mats Lindfelt)

No. 7 (2002) Kansallisen ihmisoikeusinstituution tarve Suomessa: Pariisin periaatteiden mukaiset tehtävät, niiden toteuttaminen Suomessa ja kehittämismahdollisuuksien hahmottelua (Miko Lempinen, Anna-Elina Pohjolainen, Martin Scheinin)

No. 6 (2002) Holding Non-State Actors Directly Responsible for Acts of International Terror Violence (Mikaela Heikkilä)

No. 5 (2002) Globalisation and the Human Rights of Women (Kati Frostell)

No. 4 (2002) Contemporary Challenges for Post-conflict Governance and Civilian Crisis Management: A Study of the Protection of Minority Groups and the Re-building of the Judiciary in Post-conflict Societies (Peter Finell)

No. 3 (2002) Accountability under Human Rights Law and International Criminal Law for Atrocities against Minority Groups Committed by Non-State Actors (Peter Finell)

No. 2 (2002) Who Is Responsible for Corporate Human Rights Violations? (Viljam Engström)

No. 1 (2002) Holding Armed Rebel Groups and Terrorist Organisations Accountable for Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes, and for ‘Terrorist Offences’ under International Anti-Terrorist Conventions (Duncan Brown)

Updated 7.11.2022